A few ideas on how to get the most out of your date with our stunning Valentine's. Everyone wants the 'GFE' (Girl Friend Experience), but oh so many only book a one hour appointment.
To achieve, I mean, really achieve, the ultimate 'GFE', you need to put a little thought and planning into your encounters.
The one hour appointment is all well and good, sometimes it's all that's needed, or all we have time for, but time goes so quickly and before you know it, it's all over.
A true 'GFE' comes from savouring the moment, taking the time needed to really enjoy the experience, planning the date to get the most out of it and getting pleasure from every moment you spend together.
So with this in mind we have put together a few ideas on how you could spice-up, add romance and truly achieve the 'GFE' with every date you book. |